F1 Help F2 NMI F3 Hardware options F4 Control options F5 Load snapshot F6 Save options F7 Load tape F8 Tape options F9 Save screenshot F10 Quit F11 Sound options F12 Disk select
Alt-F1 POKEs/Trainers Alt-F2 Alternate NMI Alt-F7 Tape browser Alt-F8 Pause/Unpause tape
File Formats INI/command line DOS Windows
INI and command line options
Global options
INI file | Command line | Notes |
(no equivalent) | /ini FILENAME | Read from a different INI file. |
ROMSDIR = PATH | The directory where the firmware ROMS are located | |
TEMPDIR = PATH | Sets the temporary file directory | |
Colour = FULL | RED | GREEN | BLUE | GREY | AMBER | /colour TYPE | Display (mostly) the ZX Spectrum palette as a monitor type |
DotIcon = OFF | ON | /dot OFF | ON | Switch the "slow running" white dot icon off/on |
LEDIcon = OFF | ON | /led OFF | ON | Switch the drive light icon off/on |
PlayIcon = OFF | ON | /play OFF | ON | Switch the pause/play tape icon off/on |
Sound = OFF | ON | /quiet | Switch the sound output off/on |
SwapSpeakers = NO | YES | /swapspk | Swap the speaker output no/yes |
DetectJoystick = NO | YES | /nojoy | Whether to detect joysticks no/yes |
LoadingNoise = OFF | ON | /lnoise | Whether to (try) to emulate loading noise off/on |
FrameSkip = NUMBER | /frame NUMBER | Set frame skip to that number (0 = auto) |
VMODE = NUMBER | /vmode NUMBER | Set video mode to that number (see Shift-F11 menu) |
Speed = NUMBER | /speed NUMBER | Set emulation speed to that number |
LoadingSpeed = NUMBER | /lspeed NUMBER | Set loading emulation speed to that number |
NoLoadingSpeed = NO | YES | /nlspeed | Whether to use LoadingSpeed when loading from tape |
SampleRate = NUMBER | /hz NUMBER | Sample rate of audio output (4000-192000) |
SampleBits = NUMBER | /16bit /24bit /32bit | Bit-depth of audio output (8-32) |
OPL3 = NO | YES | /opl3 | This has not been used in a long time! |
(no equivalent) | /a FILE | Mounts disk in drive A, based on current hardware setup |
(no equivalent) | /b FILE | Mounts disk in drive B, based on current hardware setup |
(no equivalent) | /c FILE | Mounts disk in drive C, based on current hardware setup |
(no equivalent) | /d FILE | Mounts disk in drive D, based on current hardware setup |
Spectrum options
*Despite what it says here, the Kay is not emulated, even though you can select it from the command line...
INI file | Command line | Notes |
SpectrumMode = ZX80 | ZX81 | 48 | 128 | P2 | P2A | P3 | PENTAGON | SCORPION | PROFI | ATMTURBO | ATMTURBO2 | KAY | LEC | SAMCOUPE | TS2068 | C64 | LECDDR | DIDAKTIKGAMA | /zx80 /zx81 /48 /128 /P2 /P2A /P3 /pentagon /scorpion /profi /atmturbo /atmturbo2 /kay1024 /lec528 /samcoupe /ts2068 /c64 /didaktikgama | Emulate that machine* |
Betadisk128 = OFF | ON | /beta128 | Switch Beta 128 off/on |
Betadisk128AutoBoot = OFF | ON | Whether to autoboot or need RAND USR | |
Multiface = OFF | MF1OLD | MF1 | MF128OLD | MF128 | MPRINT | MF3 | /multiface TYPE | Use that Multiface |
MGT = OFF | DISCIPLE | PLUSD | /disciple /plusd | Use that interface |
D80 = OFF | ON | /didaktik | Switch Didaktik D80 off/on |
IF1 = OFF | ON | /if1 | Switch Interface 1 off/on |
Betadisk48 = OFF | ON | /beta48 | Switch Beta 48 off/on |
Beta48AutoBoot = OFF | ON | Whether to autoboot or need RAND USR | |
BetadiskSD = OFF | ON | Switch Beta SD off/on | |
BetaSDAutoBoot = OFF | ON | Whether to autoboot or need RAND USR | |
FDC1 = OFF | ON | /fdc1 | Switch FDC-1 off/on |
Wafadrive = OFF | ON | /wafadrive | Switch Wafadrive off/on |
Opus = OFF | DISCOVERY | SPECTRA | /opusdiscovery /opuspectra | Use that interface |
SpeccyDOS = OFF | ON | /speccydos | Switch SpeccyDOS off/on |
SwiftDisc = OFF | SWIFTDISC1 | SWIFTDISC2 | /swiftdisc1 /swiftdisc2 | Use that interface |
RockyGush = OFF | ON | /rockygush | Switch RockyGush off/on |
SPDOSKemp = OFF | SPDOS | KDOS | KDOS128_A6 | /spdos /kdos /kdos128a6 | Use that interface |
CliveDrive = OFF | ON | /clivedrive | Switch Clive Drive off/on |
FIZ = OFF | ON | /fiz | Switch Macronics FIZ off/on |
SDI = OFF | ON | /sdi | Switch SDI off/on |
Logitek = OFF | ON | /logitek | Switch Logitek Proceed off/on |
TurboDrive = OFF | ON | /turbodrive | Switch TurboDrive off/on |
TimexFDD = OFF | ON | /timexfdd | Switch Timex FDD off/on |
MB02 = OFF | ON | /mb02 | Switch MB02 off/on |
ConvoyCDOS = OFF | ON | /convoycdos | Switch ConvoyCDOS off/on |
VideobitS80 = OFF | ON | /videobits80 | Switch Videobit Sistema S80 off/on |
PutnikFloppy = OFF | ON | /putnikfloppy | Switch PutnikFloppy off/on |
HiLowDataDrive = OFF | ON | /hilowdatadrive | Switch HiLow DataDrive off/on |
ChallengeSprint = OFF | ON | /challengesprint | Switch Challenge Sprint off/on |
Mouse = OFF | KEMPSTON | KEMPSTON2 | AMX | AY | AMIGA | ATARI | /mouse TYPE | Set mouse to that mode |
Lightpen = OFF | DOODLER | /lightpen TYPE | Set lightpen to that mode |
Lightgun = OFF | /lightgun TYPE | No lightguns yet |
CPUMultiply = (a number from 1 - 20) | Multiply the Spectrum CPU speed | |
(no equivalent) | /real | Set beeper to real (loud) volume |
AYin48KMode = OFF | ON | /ayin48kmode OFF | ON | Switch 48K AY off/on |
CurrahMicrospeech = OFF | ON | /currahmicrospeech OFF | ON | Switch Currah Microspeech off/on |
CheetahSweetTalker = OFF | ON | /cheetahsweettalker OFF | ON | Switch Cheetah Sweet Talker off/on |
FullerOrator = OFF | ON | /fullerorator OFF | ON | Switch Fuller Orator off/on |
DKTronicsSpeechSynthesiser = OFF | ON | /dktronicsspeechsynthesiser OFF | ON | Switch DK'Tronics Speech Synthesiser off/on |
DatelVoxBox = OFF | ON | /datelvoxbox OFF | ON | Switch Datel VoxBox off/on |
ULA64 = OFF | ON | /ula64 OFF | ON | Switch ULA64 off/on |
SPECTRA = OFF | ON | /spectra OFF | ON | Switch Spectra off/on |
AY1 = AY8912 | YM2149 | AY8930 | YM2203 | /ay1 TYPE | Switch AY1 to that mode |
AY2 = OFF | AY8912 | YM2149 | AY8930 | YM2203 | /ay2 TYPE | Switch AY2 to that mode |
SAA1099 = OFF | ON | /saa1099 OFF | ON | Switch SAA1099 off/on |
FullerAY = OFF | ON | /fulleray OFF | ON | Switch Fuller AY off/on |
SpecDrum = OFF | ON | /specdrum OFF | ON | Switch Cheetah SpecDrum off/on |
CovoxDAC = OFF | ON | /covoxdac OFF | ON | Switch Covox DAC off/on |
StereoCovoxDAC = OFF | STEREO | SOUNDRIVE | /stereocovoxdac TYPE | Switch Stereo Covox DAC to that mode |
StereoType = MONO | ABC | ACB | /audio TYPE | Switch Spectum stereo type to that mode |
SID_TSID = OFF | ON | /sid_tsid OFF | ON | Switch TSID SID off/on |
SID_MB03 = OFF | ON | /sid_mb03 OFF | ON | Switch MB03 SID off/on |
AYMidi = OFF | ON | /aymidi OFF | ON | Switch AY MIDI output off/on |
ZombieZombieMIDI = OFF | ON | /zombiezombiemidi OFF | ON | Switch Zombie Zombie MIDI output off/on |
RAMMusicMachine = OFF | ON | /rammusicmachine OFF | ON | Switch RAM Music Machine off/on |
TZXEdgeType = OFF | SLOW | FAST | TRAP | /tzxedgetype TYPE | Set TZX loading to that mode |
TAPEdgeType = OFF | SLOW | FAST | TRAP | /tapedgetype TYPE | Set TAP loading to that mode |
Unpause = NO | YES | /unpause | Unpause tape immediately after selection |
ULADelay = NUMBER | /ula NUMBER | Set ULA delay hack to that number |
Z80DIR = PATH | Sets the directory for snapshots | |
TAPDIR = PATH | Sets the directory for tapes | |
P3DIR-A = PATH | Sets the directory for +3 Drive A | |
P3DIR-B = PATH | Sets the directory for +3 Drive B | |
BETADIR-A = PATH | Sets the directory for Beta 128 Drive A | |
BETADIR-B = PATH | Sets the directory for Beta 128 Drive B | |
BETA48DIR-A = PATH | Sets the directory for Beta 48 Drive A | |
BETA48DIR-B = PATH | Sets the directory for Beta 48 Drive B | |
BETASDDIR-A = PATH | Sets the directory for Beta SD Drive A | |
BETASDDIR-B = PATH | Sets the directory for Beta SD Drive B | |
MGTDIR-A = PATH | Sets the directory for DISCiPLE/+D Drive A | |
MGTDIR-B = PATH | Sets the directory for DISCiPLE/+D Drive B | |
D80DIR-A = PATH | Sets the directory for Didaktik D80 Drive A | |
D80DIR-B = PATH | Sets the directory for Didaktik D80 Drive B | |
OPUSDIR-A = PATH | Sets the directory for Opus Discovery/Spectra Drive A | |
OPUSDIR-B = PATH | Sets the directory for Opus Discovery/Spectra Drive B | |
SPECCYDOSDIR-A = PATH | Sets the directory for SpeccyDOS Drive A | |
SPECCYDOSDIR-B = PATH | Sets the directory for SpeccyDOS Drive B | |
SPDOSKEMPDIR-A = PATH | Sets the directory for Watford SPDOS/Kempston Drive A | |
SPDOSKEMPDIR-B = PATH | Sets the directory for Watford SPDOS/Kempston Drive B | |
MEMDIR = PATH | Sets the directory for load/save memory chunks | |
DISCIPLEROM = FILE | Sets DISCiPLE ROM (8K or 16K mix) | |
DISCIPLEROMFLIP8K = FILE | Sets (16K mix) DISCiPLE ROM, but flips the two halves | |
PLUSDROM = FILE | Sets +D ROM (8K or 16K mix) | |
OPUSDISCOVERYROM = FILE | Sets Opus Discovery ROM | |
OPUSSPECTRAROM = FILE | Sets Opus Spectra ROM | |
SPECTRUM48ROM = FILE | Sets the Spectrum 48K ROM (for Interface 2 cartridges) | |
IF1ROM = FILE | Sets the Interface 1 ROM | |
BETADISK128ROM = FILE | Sets the Beta 128 ROM | |
BETADISK48ROM = FILE | Sets the Beta 48 ROM | |
FDC1ROM = FILE | Sets the FDC-1 ROM | |
SWIFTDISC1ROM = FILE | Sets the Swift Disc 1 ROM | |
SWIFTDISC2ROM = FILE | Sets the Swift Disc 2 ROM |
SAM Options
INI file | Command line | Notes |
SAMDAC = OFF | ON | Switch SAMDAC off/on | |
MonoDAC = OFF | ON | Switch MonoDAC off/on | |
BlueAlphaSoundSampler = OFF | ON | Switch Blue Alpha Sound Sampler off/on | |
BlueAlphaVoiceBox = OFF | ON | Switch Blue Alpha Voice Box off/on | |
QuazarSurround = OFF | OFF | Currently deactivated! | |
SIDCard = OFF | OFF | Currently deactivated! |
C64 Options
INI file | Command line | Notes |
(no equivalent) | /c64sys NUMBER | Automatically jump to SYS address (use with PRG loading) |
DOS Options
INI file | Command line | Notes |
LongFilenames = NO | YES | /nolfn | Try to detect and use long filenames under Win 9X |
VESA = NO | YES | /novesa | Try to detect VESA video modes |
VESAForceBanked = NO | YES | /vesaforcebanked | Force banked video modes instead of linear ones |
VESAForce555 = NO | YES | /vesaforce555 | Force 16-bit video modes to use RGB 555 |
VESAForce565 = NO | YES | /vesaforce565 | Force 16-bit video modes to use RGB 565 |
HostHalt = NO | YES | /hosthalt | Whether to halt the host CPU while waiting |
DetectJoystick = NO | YES | /nojoy | Try to detect joysticks |
NoLoadingSpeed = NO | YES | /nlspeed | Whether to change speeds when loading |
SBClone = NO | YES | /sbclone | Make a SB 2.0/Pro use a different command |
SBPro = NO | YES | /sbpro | Produce stereo sound |
SB16 = NO | YES | /sb16 | Use SB16 commands |
SampleRate = 4000 - 44100 | /hz NUMBER | The sample rate of the audio output |
SampleBits = 8 | 16 | 24 | 32 | /16bit /24bit /32bit | The number of bits of the audio output |
(C) Jane McKay, 2024.