x128 Instructions
F1 Help F2 NMI F3 Hardware options F4 Control options F5 Load snapshot F6 Save options F7 Load tape F8 Tape options F9 Save screenshot F10 Quit F11 Sound options F12 Disk select
Alt-F1 POKEs/Trainers Alt-F2 Alternate NMI Alt-F7 Tape browser Alt-F8 Pause/Unpause tape
File Formats INI/command line DOS Windows
Tape Pause/Unpause
If you press ALT-F8 then it will Pause/Unpause a currently open TAP/TZX/VOC/WAV file, depending upon the mode it is in (and providing that your system allows that keypress). If your system will not allow that keypress, then you'll have to pause/unpause in the F8 menu.
If there is no icon in the top-left corner then you do not have a tape opened, or it is not in a mode that requires pausing and unpausing (e.g. flash loading).
(This icon can be also deactivated by setting PlayIcon = OFF in the INI file).
If you see the little red icon in the top-left corner, then you have a paused tape.
This is a the pause icon
If you see the little white icon in the top-left corner, then your tape is playing.
This is the play icon
(C) Jane McKay, 2024.